Yes we are... sometimes our logic is just a little beyond you. That's all. 
LOL!, except that the common conversation in this house goes:
Me: WTF were you thinking?
Other person (not always just the other half): Well,... it
seemed like a good idea at the time....
Then degrades from there.
I don't think the logic is beyond me,... I think it's beyond logic. Or defies it.

How about this one:
Me: Look! These dirt tires are on sale, and aren't they the ones that you wanted?
Him: Naw,.. those are last year's model.
Me: Same tires? Just last year's model?
Him: pretty much.
Me: Ok,... so,... big win for you!
Him: I'd rather this years.
Me: So... you'd rather not ride, cos your tires are worn out, than buy last year's tires?
Him: *shrug* I dunno.
Me: They're friggin tires,.. and they're gonna be full of sand and mud,.. it's not a fashion statement.
Him: I'll wait.