That is a nice looking BMW bike! I could learn to love everything but the price. I spent just under 90,000 miles on BMW boxers. My '78 /7 met an early death (collision) but my R100/s (red smoke) was always reliable and spirited.
I drive a '85 735i, everything on the car works except the powered headrests. It uses no fluids other than gas, handles well, is a genuine pleasure to drive and work on, and looks very good inside and out.
My son's '87 325i is in slightly better shape than mine but uses a sip of oil between changes, probably always did.
One car is just under 200.000 miles the other just over. Both have made trouble free cross country runs at sustained "hwy" speeds. I found both for $3500. Both will easily last another 100,000 and most likely run much longer without any major repair.
The "BMW club" consists of loyal owners who love driving and riding, provide incredible mutual support for one another, and commonly take uncommonly good care of their equipment. Take a look around, you see more BMWs than ever.
A BMW bike may well be in my future someday, for me it would be like rejoining a very good friend. The new boxer looks fantastic to me!
In the meanwhile I love every minute on the b12 and feel now as I did when I bought it, that it is the best big bike for the bucks and that anything you want to change or upgrade is easily and inexpensively done, except that #!?!! headlight.