I'm considering the ZRX1200, the FZ1 and the Bandit 12. What I would like is for some help in deciding. There is likely an obvious bias here, but that's fine. What are strengths and weaknesses of the B12?
All three are fine bikes. All three have their nits & pics, depending on what you're looking for in a bike. These same three were on my short list when I decided on the B12.
Cliff's Notes version:In the minus column Out of the box, the B12 is the slowest and worst handling. Not by any large margins, but enough that magazines seems to ignore it and drool all over the FZ1.
In the plus columnIt is the cheapest, has the best fairing (S model), easiest to work on yourself, best supported by the aftermarket and most time proven. It responds to horsepower mods far better than the other two. Try to get a 15-20 horse increase out of FZ-1 with a slip-on and a jet kit - you'll be lucky to get 5. If you prefer to do your own maintenance, the B12 has screw & locknut adjustments instead of PIA shims like the other two. No antifreeze to worry about leaking, changing, or boiling over.[/list]
Selling points for me were price, wind protection (I chose the "S" model), ease of maintenance, aftermarket support and the bulletproof reputation earned by its GSXR heritage. (Maybe one of these days I'll take advantge of it's ability to be hopped up with GSXR goodies.) As a bike that exposes its engine for the world to see, as all three of these do, it has the most attractive engine of the three.
Sounds like you like to ride for long periods in the saddle often. To me, this cuts the ZRX immediately, unless you Canadians get the ZRX-S model like they do in EU. The FZ's fairing is better than the bikini job on the ZRX-R, but even with aftermarket help, it's not as good as the Bandit's. I think if yo spent what you'd spend on a FZ1 on a B12 and a few choice upgrades (slip-on & jet kit, Hayabusa rear shock, Progressive or Race Tech fork springs), you'd have a bike that's better than the FZ in every regard.
Of course all this is IMHO, YMMV.