Author Topic: What do you do???????  (Read 10206 times)

Offline jbrough7

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What do you do???????
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2006, 07:16:35 AM »
"Is this heaven?"

"No - it's Iowa..."

Same thing , maybe?? :wink:


Offline PitterB4

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« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2006, 07:53:00 AM »
Hi, I'm Rob!!!   :lol:

I'm a product manager for a small health plan serving organized labor (yes, the board's resident right-wing nutjob works with the unions - oh the irony!!!).  I'm in the midst of a job hunt currently - hopefully staying in the managed care industry.

Family - no offense to all you other guys but I've got the best wife around!  She's just amazing.  I've got a 9 year old little boy and 6 year old girl.  So much fun!

Hobbies - way too many for a guy with a job and a family!  I love to freshwater fish.  I belong to a gun club and shoot trap, skeet and sporting clays whenever I can.  I coach little league and flag football.  I like to ride motorcycles once in a while!

Good thread.

EDIT - forgot to add...  I'm 37, married almost 15 years.  Other hobby that is putting a serious crimp in my riding right now is running...  well, jogging.  I've been training the last few months for a 10 mile race that is next weekend.  This running stuff sucks.
'93 Bandit 400 - SOLD
'98 Honda F3 Track Bike - SOLD
'98 Kawi ZX-6R Street Bike - SOLD
'00 Gary Fisher Kaitai
'09 Bianchi Via Nirone 7

Offline Red01

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« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2006, 09:50:36 AM »
I'm another Paul. 49 years young, married to my first and only wife for 25 years (anniversary was last week). We've got 4 kids. 3 daughters, aged 23, 28 & 30 and a son who's 27. (My wife had three kids when we got married that I adopted.) I've got 4 grand-daughters ages 1, 2, 10 & 11.

I spent 9 years in the military, 8 years in the Marines and a year in the Army Reserve where I was a helicopter mechanic/gunner/crewchief/maintenance inspector. After I got out, I got a job with Boeing, where I've been inspecting the construction of commercial airliners for the last 19 years.

I started riding dirt bikes at 14 and been riding ever since. There have been a couple of spells where the home was bikeless, but never more than a couple years at a time. I'm also into Jeeps/4 wheel drives, an activity my dad got me hooked into. In fact, I still have his last Jeep (Dad passed away ~10 years ago), which is the rig I learned to drive in.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Maniac

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« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2006, 09:52:39 AM »
Didn't we do this once before?  :lol:

Anyway, I'm Todd.

I'm an associate software engineer at a company in Daytona Beach called Raydon, we make both military and civilian simulators. I've been with the company almost exactly a year now, and I'm working with some pretty cool stuff. I can tell you, those big M1A1s and M2 Bradleys? Freaking tiny inside! Most tankers must not be 6' 2" and 220lbs. I have nothing but the utmost respect now for anyone who can sit inside one of those steel boxes for 12 hours in the baking sun with no AC or any real ventilation while people shoot at you.

Hobbies include writing computer games, motorcycling, fishing, white-water rafting, hiking, and mountain biking. Not a lot of places to do white water rafting or mountain biking in Florida, though.  :sad:

Family... well, I'm single with no kids. So I'm not broke all the time, at least.  :lol:

Unfortunatly I've recently found myself Bandit-less, but a new '03 919 is filling the old 400's shoes quite nicely.

Now everyone get off the internet and go ride!  :motorsmile:

2008 GSXR-750

Offline GaryB12VA

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« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2006, 11:03:45 AM »
Hi, my name is Gary and I admit it, I'm a bikeaholic  :grin:

60 years old and the sales manager for a small computer services company in northern Virginia.

Happily divorced for 13 years so I get to spend all my extra coinage on my motorcycle addiction. Have 3 children, twin boys that are 38 yo and a daughter that is 36. 5 grandchildren, all boys, ages 2 -14.

And sad to say, I am also a former Bandit owner. Traded the Bandito in on a new YamaMama FJR 1300 last Sat. 145hp, shaft drive, ABS, hard bags. Me likey.  :motorsmile:
'06 FJR 1300A

"The person who says it can't be done shouldn't interrupt the person who is doing it"

Offline Sven

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What do you do???????
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2006, 11:15:14 AM »
I work for a one of the most beloved (ha ha) federal agencies, have done so since I was in college, and now have over 25 years with the same employer (but have lived many places).

My degree is in communications (print media) but it's only been the past few years that I've gotten to really use it, working on a website for an agency-wide employee support contact center.

I am 44...never married, no kids, but like a lot of things, I'll get around to it on my own schedule.

My interests (beyond the topic of this board) are various forms of entertainment and hockey (almost any level, from high school to college to olypmic to minor league to NHL).

Uh...what else?  Is this like speed-dating?
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
2002 Honda CRV | the dirt-colored car

Offline Red01

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« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2006, 12:08:14 PM »
Quote from: "Sven"
Uh...what else?  Is this like speed-dating?

Sure, except for the lack of available women.  :duh:
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Bob Holland

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« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2006, 12:29:55 PM »
58 years old, married to same lady for 38 years, two sons, and two granchildern, retired from Halliburton, currently working as a Technology Specialist for a school district here in Texas. I am a Deacon at my church and I dragrace motorcycles.
If I didn't have a Suzuki, I would have a Kawasaki

Offline PaulVS

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« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2006, 01:05:23 PM »
Quote from: "chevsuz12"
Hey PaulVS, is that your wife in your avatar?  If so I would have to agree she is exceptional! :banana:  :banana:  :beers:

Da family...

Offline Swamp Rat

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« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2006, 04:07:52 PM »
Married for 6 years{second one} 4 children, 10,12,14&20. The 14 year old is mine from a previous marriage the other 3 are hers from her previous. The 12 year old is the only boy. 3 dogs 1 brindle colored mixed breed 1deer dog that's afraid of guns 1 useless Rot lab mix looks full rott who also can clear the room with a single raise of her tail, 3 cats an ancient calaco that I call "Bitch Cat", Miss Kitty just a small grey nothing cat and her son Arnold, mini hamster,bearded dragon,and a turtle.
  I'm a lab tech for ExxonMobil H.D.P.E. Plastics. We make the plastic for milk bottles, oil cans, and roto mold plastic used in the manufacture of gas tanks.
  Fishing, canoeing,shooting, trail biking,primative camping and what ever else keeps me outdoors.
  Been riding street for about a1 & 1/2 years now. :bigok:
20003 1200s
2001 Drz 400e

Offline PitterB4

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« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2006, 04:15:16 PM »
Quote from: "Red01"
Quote from: "Sven"
Uh...what else?  Is this like speed-dating?

Sure, except for the lack of available women.  :duh:

Yeah - it's a regular sausage fest! :duh:
'93 Bandit 400 - SOLD
'98 Honda F3 Track Bike - SOLD
'98 Kawi ZX-6R Street Bike - SOLD
'00 Gary Fisher Kaitai
'09 Bianchi Via Nirone 7

Offline KSUGreggy

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« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2006, 04:59:41 PM »
21 years old.  In my third year (one week and im done) of my 5 year degree program in Landscape Architecture.  NO NO NO i dont do lawns....i do things like large scale developments, urban parks and plazas, golf courses, lots of stuff etc etc.  

Love tinkering on all things mechanical,  Dad and I race a couple of 911s at some tracks around here during the warmer months.

been dating the same girl for 2 and half years now...popping the question sometime this Fall I think.  Couldn't ask for a better friend to spend time with than her.   And she LOVES my bike more than i do...wheneve its not running she MAKES me finish it! :motorsmile:

Offline amboman

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« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2006, 10:25:03 PM »
Hey there, name is Mark, same partner for 23 years married for 14 of them.  Have 4 kids, 13, 11, 3, and 9mths.  Been around motorbikes since day one.  Had a break for about 10years and my wife says she loves me more when I am riding.  Reakons I am less stressed.

Motorbody coach builder originally but been working as a frontline paramedic for last 10+ years.

Between bikes at the moment, awaiting arrival of 06 B12S.  Still trying to justify the cost so may have a re-think at later date.

Great forum and proud to be a part of it.
Taken over by the dark side. Now riding a CB 1300 but visit my old bandit regular.

Offline tannerismyhero

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« Reply #28 on: April 29, 2006, 02:00:59 AM »
Quote from: "Swamp Rat"

  I'm a lab tech for ExxonMobil H.D.P.E. Plastics. We make the plastic for milk bottles, oil cans, and roto mold plastic used in the manufacture of gas tanks.

Hmmm....I wonder if I use your paxon. :?:
01 1200s

Offline B6mick

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« Reply #29 on: April 29, 2006, 07:23:12 AM »
Qualified linesman (electrical distribution low voltage and high voltage, underground with high voltage switching qualifications. But got bored, left the trade aint been back.
Qualified welder in Mig, Tig, Arc and Oxy welding. Again got bored with it and waking up in the morning and coughing up unhealthy oysters every day, aint been back.
Went to driving taxis in the bush. Liked the job but the missus of twenty years must have got bored with me.
So back, to the city, with nothing but the shirt on me back and a trusty FJ12, not wishing to go back to either trade, ended up motorcycle couriering.
Met the new missus referred to as the minister of war.
Worked at making fiberglass and carbon fibre parts and bits and pieces for bikes.
Worked in between jobs for a couple of years as a roadie, sound tech for rock and roll bands based in Melb. Good fun But its got me stuffed how I survived. No bloody wonder I'm half deaf. ( Loud pipe ya joking I can only just hear it)
Also worked at Motorcycle repair shops, and spent some time at a truck and car workshop in between trades and other jobs
Had a business in the early nineties building leadlight windows.
Now have a franchised courier run, which I share responsibilities with the minister of war i.e.: 1 day on next day off. Life don’t get much better than that.

So I have an ex wife and twin boys. The minister of war and her 2 girls, 2 dogs (both ride) and don’t refer to ua as the bloody Brady bunch, whe are a house keeper short as well as 2 kids.

Hobbies, arrr motorbikes.
Foot loose and fancy free.
Looking for adventure and what ever comes our way.