Another resurected post from the new board, pre-crash It is pasted here one page of the orig thread per post.
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Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:58 am Post subject: Capacitors
Tough, tough...
I am having hard time to find these capacitors for my bike online.
Cap-se 1050 10UF/50V heat reated - 150Dc
Cap-se 47-35 47UF/35V heat reated - 85Dc
Help guys, you already did a great job on the CDI module with the german website.
Damn this bike is giving me hard time. Guess what? it's raining big time here in TX and still did not get my motorcycle cover should come sometime this week with Fedex.
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Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:32 pm Post subject:
Hey Badidou, try these: I think Digikey has a minimum order, so you may have to buy yourself a soldering iron or something else to flesh it out.
Please double check the specs on these before you order them, in case I screwed up.
Also, please don't take this the wrong way, since I don't know your level of electronics expertise, but you need to be aware that there is a negative and positive lead on these. On the side of the can will be a stripe, or row of 'negative' signs by the negative lead. Make sure you install the replacement capacitors in the same orientation as the old ones, or else you will get to find out what capacitors are made of !
Good luck, and let us know how it turns out.
gsxr400 racer
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Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:15 pm Post subject:
Man id really like someone else to show pictures of and explane how this CDI fix is going on . More or less I need a CDI fix for DUMMIES.
1988 gsxr 400 gk73a 2002 gsxr 750 wheels/forks/swingarm ,traxxion dynamics front end /ebc prolite rotors,penske bringing up the rear,dunlop slicks 120/180 mikuni cr round slide carbs,63 hp ( stock motor from b4).GSXR6002003
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Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:48 pm Post subject:
Here's a pic, Jay.

Seems like you just replace the capacitors in the pic.
Here's the Bable Fish translation of that German site. A little rough but...
If you developed the CDI then (that is this small black crate) then must you to the interior life come somehow. I cut in addition simply the housing open with a Dremel (with the second CDI those their way into my hands found, with my own went the housing totally to break). The picture down shows the housing and the plate. I would like to thank here again Christoph that he put his defective CDI to me at the disposal, that am in the picture.
To explain I cannot do me that. Perhaps it is not noticeable to you also, it is the four condensers, which, which must be also exchanged. It makiert times with circles. It is to be seen, which on the upper plate the condenser from the row dances. Jendenfalls are that the construction units to be exchanged must. Probably only the plate must become "cleaned" with you, how it was also with me the case. Is a kind adhesive on all construction units and solder joints. That serves usually to protect the plate against humidity in our case makes it the plate with security also somewhat vibration.
Ok, it's REALLY rough but you replace the little round thingies! :moon:
'93 Bandit 400
A red-stater in a blue state
gsxr400 racer
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Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:13 pm Post subject:
so thats what breaks down. And u would replace them all? what do you use to get the coating off? what kind or gauge of soldier do you use?
Some one should do it and re write it with out the jibber jabber. why is it the capicitors that go bad .
On another note. The new key switches have a diode in them , anyone know about that one . I need to find it ,or the diode size to buy so i can run the 600 without the key switch , and just use the on /off button.
They started doing this a couple of years ago to prevent bike theft, if ya cut the wires the voltage drops tolike .5 volts or something?
1988 gsxr 400 gk73a 2002 gsxr 750 wheels/forks/swingarm ,traxxion dynamics front end /ebc prolite rotors,penske bringing up the rear,dunlop slicks 120/180 mikuni cr round slide carbs,63 hp ( stock motor from b4).GSXR6002003
gsxr400 racer
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Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:23 pm Post subject:
I guess there are NO electrical genius's here?

1988 gsxr 400 gk73a 2002 gsxr 750 wheels/forks/swingarm ,traxxion dynamics front end /ebc prolite rotors,penske bringing up the rear,dunlop slicks 120/180 mikuni cr round slide carbs,63 hp ( stock motor from b4).GSXR6002003
gsxr400 racer
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Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:25 pm Post subject:
And where do you get those little parts at? the link was dead.
1988 gsxr 400 gk73a 2002 gsxr 750 wheels/forks/swingarm ,traxxion dynamics front end /ebc prolite rotors,penske bringing up the rear,dunlop slicks 120/180 mikuni cr round slide carbs,63 hp ( stock motor from b4).GSXR6002003
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Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 11:03 pm Post subject:
Hey guys,
Hope this is Dumb enough...
First, the not-at-all legal disclaimers:
1. This repair may or may not fix your broken black box, especially ones that were fried as a result of jump starting or other catastrophic event.
2. This repair could, if done wrong, cause even more damage to the unit.
3. If you try this and F it up, please don't blame me, I'm just tryin' to help out my fellow $ strapped brethren with some free tips. :msm:
First, if anyone is using the pics/translations from the German website, note that it is NOT necessary to use the "Bavarian Dremel Method" to cut the crap out of the black box housing to get it apart. The connectors for the wiring harnesses are soldered to the board and the whole thing slid out after some careful semi-aggressive prying on my part. It turns out the kind folks at Suzuki decided to use some rubber cement-like glue to stick the board in the housing. There is a channel that runs the inside length of the case that the edge of the circuit board rides in, dig?
I am having hard time to find these capacitors for my bike online.
Try your local Radio Shack, that's where I found mine. They should have parts drawers with electronic components (resistors, capacitors, etc.) They may not look exactly the same as the ones you are replacing though. Just match the voltage and capacitance values. They had a larger version of the 47uF 35V with radial leads (both coming out the same end). They only had the 50V 10uF cap but in an axial leaded (wires coming out of both ends), non-polarized (no positive/negative side) configuraton. I consulted with a relative in the electronics manufacturing biz, and in this application these will work fine. They are also larger and longer than the stock 50V caps, so I needed to get a little creative in mounting them. They basically are mounted with the long side towards the unit, with the leads bent to reach the holes in the board. If you go this route, be careful that the leads are not touching each other or any other components nearby.
And u would replace them all?
As long as you are there, might as well. They are cheap parts.
what do you use to get the coating off?
The "coating" is a rubber cement type goo. I used a tweezers, xacto knife etc. to cut/ pull the goo off the capacitors and circuit board.
After the goo removal, I used copper solder braid to get the solder out of the old joints and pulled the old caps out of the board. Be sure to make a note of installed polarity of the old caps before you pull them out. I think the board is printed with a - sign, but you may want to double check that.
what kind or gauge of soldier do you use?
Standard electronics type .062 rosin core works fine. No offense meant to gsxr400 or anyone else, but if you've never done this type of repair before, you may want to get someone with some experience to do the actual soldering for you. Electronic components can be fragile things and one of their prime enemies is HEAT. There is an element of touch involved in heating up the joint enough to get the solder to melt without frying the caps or worse, the big IC chip (brains) next to them. You also need to do the heating part twice for each mounting point (once to remove the old cap and once to install the new one.) I have a fair amount of soldering experience, and I still managed to lift one of the trace pads off the board (too much heat), requiring more work to fix.
To repeat Steves warning, be sure you are installing any polarized caps in the correct orientation!
Sorry for the lack of pics, I have some digital photos, but no way of getting them on here. I will try to write up a step by step procedure for this fix sometime soon, but I'm knee deep in lookin for a job right now.
gsxr400 racer
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Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 11:58 pm Post subject:

Thats what I was looking for . Ive soldered before but not on stuff that small. Thanks alot!!! If i wouldve had something like this before I might not have threw away my gsxr 400 box

Some one stick this one in the Q &A section. ROB and i heard something about pics too!!! much appriciated

1988 gsxr 400 gk73a 2002 gsxr 750 wheels/forks/swingarm ,traxxion dynamics front end /ebc prolite rotors,penske bringing up the rear,dunlop slicks 120/180 mikuni cr round slide carbs,63 hp ( stock motor from b4).GSXR6002003
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Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 12:06 am Post subject:
Thanks man for the detailed explanation,
ya the link was dead, however i had to order them online through: part# ECA-1HHG100 Cap-se 1050 10UF/50V heat rated - 105Dc
part# ECA-1VM470 Cap-se 47-35 47UF/35V heat rated - 85Dc
i paid $15 including handling and shipping, the capacitors cost was $2 i think, i ordered 2 of each.
Anyway! i took the byke this morning on the highway , and guess what? died on me, i think i pushed it to much :boiling: since the engine was working only with 2 cyl (capacitors issue), the byke wont start anymore.
fff day, called verizon since i have the towing thing included in my contract, found out that they towe only 4 wheels and not commercial vehicles.
Argued for 30 min and got 2 months for free
Had to call my friend to tow my byke with his Suzuki g 1000/ 1982, it was fun