I have always wanted to know why a CDI from one Bandit 400 would not work on another.
I have learnt from my own experience that the CDIs are somewhat interchangeable. I bought the Argentinian CDI, sent them the correct number on my original CDi but they posted a different number with the reassurance that it will work. It works, perfectly!
In the process of installing my new wiring loom, I realized my signal generator wire was cut, and as I was removing it to solder it back together, I found the reason why CDIs should be interchangeable. The signal generator picks signals from a plate like thingy inside the LH engine cover that has (5 small and 1 big) projections off it, that is run by the crankshaft, telling the position of the pistons in the cyliders. So, as long as the CDI is from a similiar model bike, it will pick the same signal and relay the same info to the CDI...
May be I am wrong, but in my case it worked. Anyone with a different view of this?